
Con*Cept is the only convention in Montreal that aims to touch on all aspects of science fiction and fantasy: literature, film, television, art, gaming, anime, and anything else that appeals to our members, and in both official languages as well. We are limited only by the imaginations of our participants.

Inspired by conventions like Ad Astra in Toronto, the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (MonSFFA) hosted the first Con*Cept in 1989. It was a one day event, and as Keith Braithwaite has often laughed, "We hadn't a clue!" But obviously, the MonSFFen were quick learners, the con is still with us! There were few SF conventions in those years, and none at all in Montreal, but MonSFFA happily muddled along for several more years, every convention a little longer and a little more ambitious than the last. The convention grew to 3 days, and MonSFFen, realizing the con was sucking the life from its own club activities, reluctantly cut the umbilical cord, though many of its members remained on the ConCom. The new chairs were more familiar with the World Con model, and gave Con*Cept a stronger literary bent, bringing in author guests like Terry PratchettLois McMaster Bujold, and Robert Sheckley, and artists like Vincent Di Fate and Bob Eggleton. Con*Cept also took particular pride in presenting Canadian authors such as Spider et Jeanne RobinsonCandas Jane Dorsey, and Robert J. Sawyer. Con*Cept was host for Canvention in 1998.

The French literary convention, Boréal,became part of the convention in 1996, which brought in Francophone authors such as Joël ChampetierYves Ménard, andDaniel Sernine. However, in 2000, the pre-reg being lower than expected, and the committee burning out, the convention was cancelled. Boréal went its own way again,and MonSFFA took Con*Cept back under its wing.

Rebuilding was a slow process, MonSFFA's membership having to relearn the ropes, and younger members being more familiar with media conventions which had grown in popularity. Starting with a one-day relaxacon in 2001, then growing to two days, then three, and bringing in media guests as well as encouraging more Francophone participation, the convention developed to a point where it was ready to incorporate, splitting off from MonSFFA once again, but still very dependent on its parent for its volunteers. Montreal fandom had also grown in this time, especially clubs interested in media, Star Wars and Stargate in particular, and Con*Cept found more supporters in L'Alliance Imperiale, SF Vortex, and SG-25.

In 2009, Con*Cept celebrated its 20th year. Many "buffet" style conventions like Con*Cept have faded as many fans migrate to niche-group events, but Con*Cept continues to thrive in its own small way, providing a cozy, friendly environment for all our multi-interest fans.

Guests and thoughts through the years
Barry B. Longyear Author Guest of Honour 1990 

"The fans at ConCept gave us a tour of Montreal, fed us, and the panels and discussions in between at the con were very stimulating. My wife Jean and I had a terrific time, and although it has been a few years since then, our time there remains one of my favorite memories."

Vincent Di Fate Artist Guest of Honour 1995 

"I remember ConCept very well, and most especially the friendliness of the people--not something most New Yorkers are conditioned to expect, but fandom is its own special place.  Any celebration of this great literary artform is unforgettable to me, but ConCept was a little like coming home." 
Spider Robinson Author Guest of Honour 1995

"I remember most vividly going out for genuine Montreal smoked meat with Steve Herman, and Gabrielle Morrissette, and Marc Shainblum--I can still taste the stuff, and hear Steve and the waiter insulting each other with artistic flourishes.  I believe it was at that meal that Steve gave me the killer idea that made my novel CALLAHAN'S LEGACY not merely possible, but inevitable.  And unless I have the historical sequence screwed up, it also seems as though that must have been when Marc and Gabby first showed me their splendid ANGLOMAN. But to be honest, it's the taste of the meat that comes back most sharply.  A fond memory...." 

Robert J. Sawyer Author Guest of Honour 1998 

"ConCept is a fabulous convention.  I've never failed to have a good time there.  The concom is courteous, creative, and efficient, and the attendees are always vibrant and fun.  I love this con!"
Keith R.A. Decandido Author Guest of Honour 2002 

"ConCept 2002 was my first time as an Author Guest of Honor at a convention, and it was, as the title indicates, an honor. The folks who ran the show were unfailingly polite, helpful, funny, and welcoming to me and my girlfriend (fellow author Terri Osborne). It was everything a small, one-day convention should be: relaxed, enough programming to keep everyone occupied, and, most of all, fun. Bravo to all and sundry, and I hope to hie my way north of the border to see you guys again some day...." 
Gregory Benford Author Guest of Honour 1992 

"I certainly recall the 1992 con, for I was on sabbatical at MIT and it was my first trip to your beautiful city. I saw there for nearly the last time my old friend Roger Zelazny, and we strolled the streets together in autumn light. Certainly I well believe that you've never had a guest who didn't have a good time!"
Robert Sheckley Author Guest of Honour 1993 

"What I remember about Montreal in 93 and the sf convention is a very good time that passed entirely too quickly. I met a number of very sympathetic people there. The convention seemed to me very well run, with a lot of enthusiasm, but without getting ridiculous. I had the great opportunity of being shown something of Montreal, and eating some of the city's delicious food. I can't imagine how I could have had a better time. So, althoough specific instances and names have faded, I remember the glow of pleasure and satisfaction that surrounded my time in Montreal." 
Steven Brust Author Guest of Honour 

"I think my keenest memory of Concept is watching Roger Zelazny do breakfalls in the park across the street from the hotel." 
Dave Duncan Author Guest of Honour 2003 

"Fantastic fun, fans & friends. A very relaxed, friendly and yet businesslike con.